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leg  Guy Levrier
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Sociétaire des Artistes Indépendants
Sociétaire des Artistes Français
Sociétaire de l'Institut Académique de Paris
Exposant а la Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts
Dear watcher : And now, for those with a bent for spirituality, art and science : OK now, and for those who paint electronically, if you liked these paintings, perhaps you will enjoy interpreting them on your system, as you would interpret Chopin on your piano, Yes ? Why don't you go ahead and do it ? Thank you.

General Information
* More information available at Guy Levrier's non-SITO home page.
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SITO:   Artchive SITO Artchive (Massive Art Showcase)
7 works total
painting: 7 abstract: 7